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Who is Wasim Barelvi ? What are Wasim Barelvi’s books ?

Who is Wasim Barelvi ?

# Waseem Barelvi was born on 18th Feb,1940 in Bareilly Uttar Pradesh.

# He completed his M.A. in Urdu literature from Agra University in 1958 and started his career as an Assistant Professor and later became an Associate Professor & Head of Urdu Dept Bareilly college, Bareilly.

# Wasim Barelvi is an Indian Urdu poet.

# His ghazals are very popular.

# He has been awarded the “Firak International Award”.

# Barelvi is Vice Chairman of the National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language(NCPUL).

# He has also performed at Culrav 2012 (the cultural event of NIT Allahabad).

# Barelvi’s great gazals mostly sung by Jagjit Singh became very popular.

# He knows what to write.

# He has published more than six collections of poetry in Urdu and two in Hindi.

# Some of his important books are:

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