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Who is Tonya Cardoza ? Who is Tonya Cardoza Dating ? Net Worth ?

Who is Tonya Cardoza ?

# Tonya Maria Cardoza is popular as Tonya Cardoza.

# She was born on April 2, 1968 in Roxbury, Massachusetts.

# She grew up in Roxbury, Massachusetts, near Boston, where she played high school basketball at Boston English High, where she earned all-state player honors.

# She is the current head coach of the Temple University women’s basketball team.

# She previously played basketball for the University of Virginia 1988-1991, and worked as an assistant coach at the University of Connecticut for fourteen seasons before joining the Temple coaching staff in 2008.

# Cardoza was selected by USA Basketball to play on the U.S. Olympic Festival East team in 1987.

# The team played four games; in the final game Cardoza scored 13 to help the team win the bronze medal at the event.

Who is Tonya Cardoza Dating ?

Tonya Cardoza is possibly a single.

We don’t have any information about her past affairs & dating.

What is Tonya Cardoza Net Worth ?

We don’t have any information about her estimated net worth.

Quick Facts

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