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Who is Lia Chang ? Who is Lia Chang Dating ? Net Worth ?

Who is Lia Chang ?

# Kim Anne Chang is popularly known as  Lia Chang.

# She was born on September 29, 1963.

# Her Birth Sign is  Libra.

# She was born  in San Francisco, California.

# She is the daughter of Russell Chang, an engineer, and Beverly Umehara, who was president of the national executive board of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA).

# She is an American actress, journalist, and photographer.

# After beginning her career modeling and acting in New York and on tour, Chang added parallel careers as a portrait and botanical photographer and journalist.

# Chang’s photographs have been exhibited in the United States and elsewhere and published in various media.

# Lia Chang is an award-winning filmmaker for her short film, Hide and Seek, which was named one of the top ten films of the Film Lab’s 72 Hour Shootout Filmmaking competition. She was also nominated for Best Actress.

Who is Lia Chang Dating ?

Lia Chang is possibly a single.

We don’t have any information about her past affairs & dating.

What is Lia Chang Net Worth ?

Lia Chang is an American actress, journalist, and photographer.

She has an estimated net worth of $53 Million.

Quick Facts