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Who is Buffie Carruth ? Who is Buffie Carruth Dating ? Net Worth ?

Who is Buffie Carruth ?

# Buffie Carruth was born on January 7, 1977 in Orangeburg, United States.

# She also known by her stage name Buffie the Body, is an American model, fitness instructor actress  and writer.

# Carruth was born and raised in Athens, Georgia, United States. She is the third of seven children. As a teenager, Carruth was a size 3 in jeans and weighed 119 pounds.
# She visited a nutritionist and started drinking supplement shakes to gain weight In 2001, she started gaining weight up to 180 pounds, and then down to her current weight of 173 pounds.

Who is Buffie Carruth Dating ?

Buffie Carruth is possibly single.

We have no records of past relationships for Buffie Carruth.

What is Buffie Carruth Net Worth ?

Buffie Carruth is also known by her stage name Buffie the Body, is an American model,  fitness instructor actress  and writer.

We don’t have any information about her estimated net worth.

Quick Facts

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